Someone asked me recently how I manage to find the time for all the walking & running I do with 3 kids & a busy business to manage. So it got me thinking & I managed to come up with some reasons at the time & afterwards on how I manage it, my suggestions may help someone. 🎯 Set Targets/Goals: I have a yearly running target that means I must run on average 3.5miles per day. So by having a yearly target,I then have a monthly & weekly target that I must meet to keep progressing towards my yearly goal
🏖 Set Urgency: sign up for a running event, book a holiday. Knowing that you’ll soon be running for 26 miles or will be on a beach gives you the urgency to improve your fitness & the way you look 📆 Plan Fitness Time: Each week I plan my fitness time which usually means fitness windows 6am,lunchtime & evening. In that time I will either walk, run or gym. I try to keep to my fitness schedule as much as possible but if I miss a session I will aim to make it up 🌅 Get Up Early: The best part of the day is before most other people rise. So I try my best to wake up between 5.30-6am & be running or walking shortly afterwards 🥊 Be strict on yourself: develop a mindset where you’ll be hard on yourself if you miss a fitness window.I know that I will usually be grumpy & annoyed for the rest of the day if I miss a fitness window ❤️🩹 Health benefits: knowing that fitness decreases my stress levels and improves my health is a major incentive to get off the couch. I want to be fit & healthy not only for myself but so I can enjoy active time with my family 🏡 Family: I know that if I’ve done my fitness for the day then I will be much more present with my family. My mind will not rest if I know I’ve not done my planned fitness for the day, so when I do complete it I know I am much more settled around my family 👍Confidence: A big one for me. If I know I am carrying some extra pounds of weight then my confidence in myself suffers,which also affects my business decisions. So one of the main reasons I run & walk a lot is to try & keep as much weight off as possible as I know that it improves my confidence & subsequently my productivity Leave a Reply. |
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May 2022